Joseph Llano
Vice President
Tiffany Gallagher
Gina Spiegelman
Recording Secretary
Brian Salisbury
Eric Harrison
Jennifer Applebee
Anand Desai
Jenny Felton
Anthony Fiore
Sally Hogan
Catherine Mirenda
Ben Reposa
Zachary Rittner
Anamika Sadhvani
Kevin Stoms
Ex-Officio non-voting member:
Dr. Joan Mast, Superintendent of Schools
student reps
Sophia Catalano, Meya Williams, and Gabby Quiceno (ex officio)
Become a Member of our
Board of Trustees
​​Purpose of the Education Enrichment Foundation of Scotch Plains-Fanwood:
The EEF of SPF raises funds to support academic initiatives and improvements at every school in our district. Currently, this is done largely through awarding teacher innovation grants and other programs that enhance the classroom learning experience.
Profile of the Successful Board Member:
The minimum time commitment for a board member includes 2 hours per month for our regular board meeting. However, the EEF’s success in building and maintaining community support comes from board members that are able to make significant contributions of time and resources, have the determination to complete projects in a timely way with little oversight, and, most importantly, have a passion for true excellence in education! EEF organizes multiple fundraisers and programs for the learning community and board members are required to actively participate in these events.
Reflecting the community-wide impact of a strong public school system, the board consists of individuals with varied backgrounds. Everyone willing to roll up their sleeves is welcome! Given the nature of our events and projects, we strongly encourage individuals to apply if they have specific experience in project management, public and media relations, marketing, fundraising, web design, and/or event planning.
Benefits of Board Membership:
Members receive no compensation for serving on the EEF Board. Low overhead and organizational cost ensure that the EEF is able to direct the maximum amount of all donations towards initiatives in the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Public Schools. Board Members may get opportunities to work closely with PTAs, school administrators, and District personnel, and help to determine which projects, grants, and initiatives should receive Foundation sponsorship. Helping to create supplementary financial support for our schools is one of the most important and effective methods for fostering sustained academic innovation and excellence.
Board of Trustees Candidate Interest:
Please apply by completing the Candidate Interest Survey: Upon receipt, you will be contacted by a Trustee of the organization.